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Plant Based Information Source

-  ABOUT  -

Hi, I'm Paula. Carnivore turned Herbivore.


It all started when my doctor informed me that my total cholesterol was at an unhealthy level, at 238. I did not want to start medication, so I decided to change my diet. I did a ton of research, talked with vegan friends and found that a whole food, plant-based diet would not only lower my cholesterol, but also reduce my weight, reduce inflammation, improve my heart, vascular system, nervous system, and brain, but also reduce the risk of cancer.  


So I set out on a journey to transform my life.  My total cholesterol is now 136 on a plant based diet with no medication. To my surprise, my chronic Eczema went away and has never returned (used to use steroid cream almost daily); and my finger joints no longer ache from arthritis, plus my ganglion cyst in my wrist dissolved. And the biggest surprise of all, my dry eye is gone; I no longer need prescription Restasis or moisturizing drops!


I am certified in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University’s online learning subsidiary (eCornell). I am also certified in plant-based nutrition cooking through Rouxbe Cooking School.  I have created and collected many tasty dishes. My philosophy is to stick to what you know, so I try to create dishes that closely resemble the flavors I grew up with and then some.  


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